Three firefighters went out on a…

Three firefighters went out on a hunting trip. There was a rookie, a captain, and a chief. The weather wasmisrable and they hadn’t seen any deer all day. They came across an old shack where they went inside to playa game of poker. After loosing a couple of hands, the rookie threw down his cards and said “that does it! I amgoing out to get me a deer.” Fifteen minutes later, the rookie came back with a nice four point buck. Thecaptain and chief asked, “how did you get that?

” The rookie replied, “I walked out fifty feet, followed sometracks and shot this buck”. The captain then said, “I’ve had enough of this I am going to get my deer.” Hecame back a half hour later with a 6-point buck. The chief asked, “how did you get that?

” The captain replied,”I walked out a hundred feet, followed some tracks and shot this buck.” The chief not wanting to be out donesaid “I am out of here, I am g oing to bag the biggest buck of the day.” He came back an hour later, all mangledup and bloody. The rookie and captain asked, “what happened to you?

” The chief replied, “I walked out therefive hundred feet, followed some tracks, and got hit by a train.”

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